Sunday, October 20, 2002

I am actually feeling better tonight. I even ate a little salad, which seems to have helped more than I expected.

I've gotten a good amount of writing done in the last couple hours, too. That makes me feel considerably better as well. I wish I had gotten something done around the house, but I still have a day or two. If I can just stay awake...

And I've got another wasp in the bathroom. It's turned cold, so they're starting to find their way inside. I've killed two there in the last two days, and one in my office. They scare Pip to death, by the way. He takes off at a run whenever he sees one. That's how I knew there was one in the bathroom before I even saw it. Unfortunately, it was up where I couldn't get it. Snarl. I want to take another nice, warm bath.


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