Thursday, February 14, 2002

I slept for a few hours. It helped calm me. Pip is still running around, very upset. I think he just needs to calm down, so I'm hoping he'll be past this by tomorrow.

This cat is giving me ulcers. I know he's not seriously hurt. He wouldn't be running all over and stop to eat a bit if he were. But it's still very upsetting to see him act totally out of character.

I have done the Finance Agenda, both pdf and web site -- the last is just uploading now. I have the newspaper site to do and some library pages to update. Part of the agenda for Monday is in, but I'll wait until I have the entire piece before I work on it.

Russ and I decided on email instead of phone calls this time. That's partly because someone has been calling about 1:30am and hanging up -- not every night, but every now and then. Having the phone ring at that time of night is very troubling, and (in case you didn't notice with Pip), I tend to immediately over react. The phone is forwarded to Russ's beeper, so if there is any problem, he will still be able to deal with it. And I am left in a few days of relative bliss.

There goes Pip again. Sigh. Great. Now he's back behind the clothes dryer. He couldn't get out of there the last time. I guess I better go clear some spot for him.

A few calm days, that's all I ask for....

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