Friday, February 15, 2002


I'm up, I'm working. I'm waiting for the agenda to arrive so I can do that and then get back to writing again.

Abby is going very well today. I just started into it a few minutes ago and I've already managed several hundred words.

Pip is a bit better. He does have an ugly sore on the side of his tail, but he's finally calming down and even came to bed and laid on my arm for a while this morning.

I sent off a requested query and part of a book to an epublisher who may be interested in it. If he is... well, I know what I'll be doing for a while. I'm excited about the possiblity, though at the same time the amount of work involved really worries me.

Ah well, we'll see. It may be far more than he's willing to take on as well.

Back to work!

Abby starting count: 24,410

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