Monday, May 20, 2002

I staid in bed for a while today trying to get my mind ordered again. I've been skipping around from one project to another, not particularly happy with any of it. I was waiting for word on the re-re-re-edits (I'm not joking) to the first five chapters of Living In Caine's Hold, and those finally came last night. She pointed out an on-going problem Russ and I will have to watch. I had a disagreement over the emotional content of one sentence -- someone thinking 'This sure as hell better be important' has far more impact, I feel, than 'This better be important.'

At any rate, we'll be going back to work on the novel, probably this afternoon when Russ gets back from his job at the Chamber.

Last night I finally started serious work on the 'back from the copy editor' edits of Aubreyan. She caught a lot of stuff, but what she didn't do was try to change the style of the writing. I think that's the big difference between the two. One wants a certain style of storytelling -- so not only does she note the numerous real problems, but she notes wording that doesn't fit that style. This does make it more difficult to go through. I want the story to be my voice, just without the mistakes. I'm not sure where one stops and the other starts sometimes, but I'm slowly putting it together.

But this afternoon I need to do a little more work on the cultural worldbuilding class and get ready for it tonight. So off this goes for now. Actually, I need to go get supper started, then come back and work...

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