Wednesday, May 08, 2002


Today I got through the last of the official After the First Draft classes. That one proved far harder to do than the one on Culture, even though there is more work involved with the Culture class. I think the difference is that I can come up with true examples for the Culture class, but the editing one was mostly 'this works for me' stuff.

I still have several of the culture classes to go, by the way. I'll be working on it for quite a while.

Tomorrow I need to do the two downloadable versions of Vision, and that will be it for a few weeks on that project. I hope that in the time between issues I can get quite a bit of writing done. I've very nearly dropped all of my web work lately, and I don't have much else but writing to worry about for a few days. I think it might be nice to just sit down and work my way through it all...

So now, at twenty minutes after midnight, I'm preparing to do my first fiction writing of the day. This can't be right. Yes, I do like to work at night, but that doesn't mean I only want to work now. I'm tired. I would like to have more energy when I finally get to writing. I don't have any tonight.

Ah well. Time to get to work. No excuses...

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