Lovely sunset!
Beyond that, I'm doing well. We've had some lovely weather -- gorgeous storms, and while it has been hot and uncomfortable the last couple days, I'm still happy to see summer here. But then, I always love the summer. And the autumn, winter and spring. Just watching it all change year-to-year, and knowing that each day is going to be somehting different -- either subtle changes or drastic -- makes me want to grab the camera and just wait.
And while I wait, I write. (grin) Work is going pretty well. I've picked up Farstep Station again and managed quite a bit of work on it. It's almost up to 30,000 words. I also found the outline I'd printed out with a few notes, so that helps. I knew where I was going, but I didn't have all the particulars for the steps. I'm betting I'm going to have another short first draft. Most of mine are since I concentrate on the main story line and really don't see the subthreads and where they work in until I'm finished with main story. Sometimes I see them when I do the outlines and plotting, but sometimes they aren't apparent until I have the other work done.
What else? Doing a little bit of house work today. I didn't need any meds at all yesterday for my back. I'm not doing a lot of work today because I don't want to find myself back in the same trouble, but it is good to be able to pick some stuff up and do a little sweeping. I have one room completely torn up and it has been that way for a couple weeks now. I'll get it put back together soon.
Right now, though, I think it's time to get back to work. I have a bit over 1000 words for the day so far.
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