Saturday, March 29, 2003

Well, hello...

I've been busy for a couple days her, and unfortunately not as much of it has been with writing as I would like. I've done 6000 and some on both of the last two days, and the book is up over 30,000 words. I'm not going to push for 10,000 for the last few days, nor for finishing it this week.

But it is going well. It's just that being sidetracked by FM stuff slowed me down. It was not good work, but it was something that needed done to avoid even worse things.

I am happy to say that in a few days I get new glasses! They are paid for, and all we'll have to do is pick them up when they're ready. It's going to take at least a week though, maybe longer. All kinds of odd things with my glasses, of course -- but I am so looking forward to seeing clearly again!

I should go back to writing, but I'm kind of worn out again. I might go take a nice, long warm bath and relax instead. No, no. Don't fall even farther behind. I'm going to write a couple thousand words first. I'm getting closer to the end of this chapter, and there's no reason to drop out of it now!

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