Monday, March 31, 2003

The last day of the Out Like a Lion dare.

And am I ever grateful. There has been way too much other stuff going on, and I had trouble just keeping up with about 5k a day. I'm up to 45,440 right now. Not nearly as far as I watned to be, but still a lot better than I expected, given the insanity of the week. I think I'm unfortunately over the half way mark, so that's going to mean some hard thinking for the rewrite/new thread section.

But a good story so far. Needs a little more color, a little more detail here and there. A bit more depth on one of the characters, which is going to be difficult because he's kind of mysterious and the story does not have any chapters in his POV. I don't intend to write any, either. It's going to be interesting to see how I pull this off better.

But right now I need to get back and finish out my work for today. And then tomorrow...

...Starts the regular two month dare.

(Bangs head on keyboard, hoping for a few more words.)

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