Saturday, March 08, 2003

Happy birthday to me. (grin)

We're going to be leaving town in about five hours, so I'm doing a bit of 'after midnight' writing, to cover what I need for the day. Started book 8. I don't intend to rush through this one quite as fast. I figure I'll give myself a whole month.

And the other new novel... well, I might start that later today, or I might just keep doing the backround work on it for a few more days. I had a breakthrough on the secondary character, and I'm not entirely sure I want to go that way... but suddenly things fell into place, including a news report on CNN a few days ago. We'll see...

But right now I'm going to write a few hundred more words, and then head for bed.

I hope to have a nice day. We'll see. At least I'll be away from home for a few hours!

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