Sunday, August 20, 2006

Outline almost done

By some miracle, the outline for The Servant Girl is nearly done. I have about fourteen chapters and close to sixty entries, plus a bunch of notes on people and places.

This despite a couple days of a horrendous headache -- but it's eased, finally. My keyboard tried to give me problems, but Russ had another one -- and a Natural Keyboard at that! -- so I'm working with it. I hadn't realized how much I had worn out the other one until I started working on this one. Wow. What a difference! This is great!

(It's amazing the things that can please a person, isn't it?)

Tomorrow Russ starts his new part time job -- teaching math nine hours a week at a community college. It's about sixty miles north of us, and the job is only four months -- but it should get us out of trouble for a while. Russ is excited about it. He loves teaching and he loves math, so it's a great combination for him!

I am getting some material ready to be mail off in submissions. They'll go out on Tuesday, I think.

I really like this keyboard.

Time to get some work done! Posted by Picasa

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