Sunday, March 13, 2005

Lovely writing

I've had three very good days of writing -- all topping 4k -- and now Dancer is sitting at 12,016 words. (Other words on other projects, as well.) This is the first novel this year that I just ran with and it is just what I needed to get moving on other projects.

See, when I can't write -- when it's slow or I have other things that keep me from working on stories -- I get into this sort of odd cycle that makes everything else take twice as long as it should, and means I have even less time to write, and more annoyed that I can't get to the stuff I want to do... that sort of thing.

But the last few days have been great. I've not only gotten a lot of writing done, but I'm getting caught up on the non-zette-writing stuff as well.

The only problem I'm having is that my sleep cycle has gone odd, even for me. But hey, it works, and I'm getting a lot done. And Russ gets to sprawl in the bed for hours and hours of restful sleep before I come in and start tossing, turning, and snuggling.

Anyway, the novel is just going wonderfully. My three characters are forming a nice bond that wasn't there in the first version, written oh so long ago. Far more depth to the story, too. Some great conflict between my two villains as well. It doesn't feel like the original story at all.

Overall, I'm less than a hundred words from 126,000 for the year so far. I might reach 130k by the end of the day if I can keep at this work. I admit that I keep getting side tracked by the list of things that I really do need to get done today. Later today.

Back to writing!

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