Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Good Morning

Yes, morning. Again. I'm getting a lot of non-writing work done, but I really need to get back to my night schedule so I can get a novel or two finished! This is just not working out right.

But, I have announcements!

The first DTF book as been released! You can see the information here! This is a very exciting time. I had begun to think we would never get this far. And now it looks as though the second book will be out within a week or so as well.

I am also starting an experiment called 'Dedicated Reviewers.' A limited number of people will be chosen to receive one free pdf version of one DTF book each month on the understanding that they read it and submit substantial (300-500 word) reviews to a number of different places. (I'm putting together a list and could use some help there, too.) To be honest, I'm looking for people who have a good writing style and skill. I'm not going to edit your reviews (except the ones posted on the DTF site if I feel that it needs a change).

If this plan works out then the DDP book releases may be included as well. You will, of course, agree not to distribute the book or pass it around to friends. And yes, PDF is the only version that will be available.

I won't tell anyone that he has to write good reviews for a book, however people who write several poor reviews will be considered a bad match for DTF and dropped.

There is one other odd catch: While you will not have to use your real name, you will need to use a real sounding name for review posts. This is to help make things look legitimate. I tend to take reviews written by someone who signs them 'the Dread Lord of Paperbacks' far less seriously than if he had signed it Michael Smith.

I'm sure there is going to be more details as I get this worked out. If it goes well I might spin it off from DTF/DDP and lure some other publishers in as well. If that happens then reviewers will get to choose which genres they want to review. Right now, since it's just DTF, it will only be fantasy.

If anyone thinks they might be interested, they need to contact me right away.

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