Sunday, November 02, 2003

Okay, good first day. I hit 14,017 at midnight. Then I went and had pizza with Russ, took a nice long bath, and I'm about 2000 words into day two. This is going to be a far less word count day. I did far better in day one than I expected and had a lot of fun doing it, but I'm really only looking for about 5,000 a day this year, if even that much!

Still, I can't complain. I've gotten a feel for my three MCs now. I suspect this one is going to be lucky to make it to 70,000 in the first draft, but after NaNo I shouldn't have too much trouble reworking it and adding to it.

But this is, of course, providing that I survive NaNo. It's fun... but it's insane. (grin)

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