Sunday, April 09, 2006

And onward....

I've gotten over 40k done on Vita's Vengeance, despite the massive reworking of the material. Is it right this time? I can't say. I'll have to wait and read it again in a couple months, probably. Or maybe I'll be daring and trust myself on this round. I do that sometimes, and actually send stuff off. (grin) I can't say that it's wise, though.

Today is sort of a lazy day. I've gotten about 1k written, and I'm reading through an older novel again (Ruins), and bascially not doing much else. Russ has a friend over next door, and I'm not even certain what we'll have for dinner tonight. He has classes Monday-Thursday in Omaha this week, so he might be spending the time down there rather than make the 200 mile round trip every day. This means a bit of planning still. We got cat food. I think everything else is optional, right? Posted by Picasa


Jean said...

As far as the cats are concerned. You might be able to use a can or two of soup and a couple boxes of mac and cheese...

Anonymous said...

Oh, God, no, Zette, don't eat the cat food!!!! (grin)

Zette said...

Jean -- they'll have to fight me for the mac and cheese! They won't get it without a battle!

Cheryl -- I haven't fallen that far, yet. Actually, we made a Diet Pepsi run tonight, so I'm happy. I have that mac and cheese, some Mexican TV dinners (Patio brand -- cheap and taste good), and various other odds and ends.

I think, somehow, I'll survive. (grin)