Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Work! Write! Do SOMETHING!

Okay, so I'm not getting a lot done in some areas. Like, well, writing. Part of that was because today I had so many odd things going on that I ended up doing everything but write. But I have two copy editors set up with novels for DTF, and that is a great relief.

I spent most of yesterday doing email exchanges with the people at Aio. I really like working with Tiffany! I have some things I need to work on with Ada Nish Pura, and I hope to get to that yet tonight. but between DTF, FM and one of the most startling sleep attacks I've had in months, I really haven't gotten to mujh of anything yet!

And I did sleep. Wow. More sleep than I have in some weeks. I woke up feeling groggy, but now I feel pretty good.

Maybe it's the weather. It was 9f when I got up this afternoon (not to bed until about 7am so don't snicker too much!), which was far warmer than it's been in days. I was able to turn off my office heater and turn down the house heat.

And then something really odd happened. When I woke up again about 11pm after that other sleep attack it was 40f. 40f! It's 2am now and it's still 37f. All the snow is melting, and it's likely going to be brown in the morning -- but it is warmer and I won't complain too much. Especially since the warmer weather means we're likely going to have more snow soon, too. (grin)

My writing numbers have been low this month, but I hope to kick my output up soon. I have some serious work to do with Ada Nish Pura that is going to include some new material, and I'm looking forward to that part.

Serendipity Blues is over 13k, too. That surprises me since it seems to be going to slowly to me. I guess it really isn't. I need to go do a little research now, though. Just remembered some stuff I want to add in, but hadn't considered it until now.

So that's it for me tonight. Not really any true news, but at least it allowed me to get my thoughts straight. (grin)

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