Friday, October 29, 2004

Writing About Writing

Without a Fear of Words came out today. So, I've been busy updating my website and listing it at various places -- like this. Amusing how this stuff keeps turning up. A good couple days, though!

Russ is off to New York tonight. He'll be back on Tuesday. I don't intend to do much except prepare for NaNo and do NaNo. I've gotten a lot of site stuff done today, and I've nearly finished the work with Vision as well. Updated my site, answered some DT email -- and now I'm ready to sit down and work on the Dancer outline.

I did mention the Dancer outline, right? The one that I shouldn't be doing since I still have two other unfinished outlines as well? Years ago I wrote a series of 8 books called Devlin's Team. Dancer is the first of them. Interesting story, but as you can imagine, the prose sucks. So I'm just writing out the events, adding a bunch of new things, and making a nice phase outline out of it. I don't know if I can have it done before NaNo, but if I do, I'd be tempted to make this my second novel on the list.

But that's why I'm working so hard to get everything else done early. I want to just wallow in this story for a while. Enjoy it.

Oh, and I'm just a few hundred words from dropping below the 200,000 words needed to make 1,000,000 for the year. Going to be a tight couple months between now and the end of the year, but I think I can do it.

Right now, though, I need to go do my other journal. Then, maybe, I can just sit down and write!

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