At some point today, FM will be down and moving to our new provider, This is where Holly moved to, and they've been wonderfully cooperative and helpful. The real question is whether our Jatol server will stay up long enough for us to make the move. I'm just waiting for word on what I still need to do, and then the site and chat will be closed down and things will move.
Of course I didn't need this kind of trouble right now, especially since I had just gotten the funds together and paid Jatol last month. Now I'm getting the money together for the new people -- and yes, it is annoying me, but what can you do? It's going to be an expensive year for running FM, but it will be better the years after this.
FM is not the only site I have to worry about, but it is the most important, so I'm focusing on it first.
So, off we go.
The site is moving right now. I don't know how long it will take until it appears again to others, but the work is being done and very quickly.
Judging from the link in Holly's blog, there must be scores of customers who paid Jatol for a service they no longer provide. Maybe a class suit or what it's called in the US (I have English, but not Legalese, lol) will come up soon.
This is a bad month. First several e-publishers go belly up, and now Jatol. I can only hope my 1&1 server stays alive. ;)
I saw that this might be happening soon - you are moving amazingly quickly - especially considering the tortoise. ;-)
Thanks for everything you've done and are doing. My first year anniversary with the site has just passed (Saturday, actually) and I cannot believe how much I've gained from it during that time.
Hope it's back up soon! Thanks for all of your hard work with it. I'd be lost without FM. :D
Fingers crossed that it keeps running smoothly, and I hope you personally are holding up okay.
If I can be of any help, just let me know. You know how to find me!
I had to laugh at the tortoise picture tied to this post. Hope all goes well with the move.
Hi Zette,
I loved the tortoise!
Best wishes on the move, and keep telling us what we can do to help.
Thanks Zette for looking after us so well. Sometimes you must feel like a mother, all work and no thanks and a vague promise of your children growing up into happy, informed and productive adults.
From one of your children, Cat
It is amazing what you achieved with FM so far. I am anxiously looking forward and checking in at odd time, FM chat has quickly become the place to go for me wehn in doubt, Thank you for ensuring its existence
I haven't been over at FM very much for a while, but if FM hadn't been there I probably wouldn't have anything finished, even if only in first draft.
All the good vibes I have at my disposal will be coming your way for the next few days, and I've sent a little something via paypal as well.
Good luck with the board move, hopefully everything will go smoothly.
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