Friday, July 03, 2020

Flash Fiction # 414 -- Lost in Elsewhere/24

So, there I was in Oz, dealing with the Wicked Witch of the West.  Better her than Glinda, who was a bit over the rainbow -- and I wasn't Dorothy.  Apparently, she only dealt well with pretty girls and yappy dogs.

I had two cats.  I had the feeling Glinda wasn't a cat person.

I wasn't convinced when the Wicked Witch of the West said she would help us get home.  My knowledge of Momba was limited to movies and reading the books to my younger half-siblings.  Momba was not what I expected.

She made peace with the trees before we left.  The trees did not throw anything at us, and I took that as a good sign.

We didn't go very far before she led us off the yellow brick road and down a different trail, this one well used though we saw no one. 

Lord Snow gave me a wary look as well.  I wasn't sure how Edmond felt, but he hadn't suggested we run and hide yet.  Should I trust either of them?

I had learned many things since my first steps into Elsewhere, and mostly, you had to think and rethink my assumptions.  I knew, for instance, that I could trust Edmond to be loyal and crazy.  He was apt to do something odd at any moment, so he got nervous every time he even so much as twitched.

Lord Snow would help me as best as he could.  He seemed far more stable than Edmond, but he also served Lord Ice, not me.  I could not guess where helping me, and his loyalty to Lord Ice might not be the same thing.

I wish Maggie was still with us.  And even Five.  I tried to keep that worry buried back in my mind, but I had no idea where they had gone and if I should go hunt for them.  I couldn't manipulate this leaping from one storybook land to another to find them, either.

If I got back to Elsewhere, someone would be able to help me find Maggie and Five.  I had to believe that and walk along with the Wicked Witch.

I waited for trouble to start.  I couldn't walk far anywhere without running into some sort of trouble.  I was beginning to twitch more than Edmond.

Momba pointed out a few things along the way, mostly distant villages and a couple farms.  I could tell that she really liked Oz, and I didn't think it had anything to do with whatever power she held in this place.

We stopped in one small town.  No munchkins, but there was a charming inn.  We were served quickly, too.  Should I worry about the food? Lord Snow and Edmond ate without comment, so I decided to trust their judgment.

"Until now, I really hadn't considered how new you are to this whole world outside of the Earth you knew," Momba said.  She tore at a piece of bread and dipped it in honey, nibbling it with a contemplative look.  "Maybe it isn't fair to put this on you."

"I said I would talk to my father.  He may not listen to me, you know -- for the same reason you just pointed out.  I'm new at this, and I don't know what to trust.  I'll leave it to him to sort out."

She nodded, clearly contemplating what to do next.  I hoped that didn't include just walking away and leaving me lost in Oz.  At least I still had Snow and Edmond, though.  Not alone.

We left a little later and walked along a rustic fence that held back various farm animals.  I'd seen the like not far from home, back in another realm.  It made me relax again.

The sheep were black-faced and cute ... and I began to think she had purposely taken me along this path to show me the more mundane side of Oz.  I was kind of amused and wondered how long we were going to walk.

No one seemed to be in much of a hurry in Oz.  No singing and dancing along the way.  We finally passed some people heading the other way. They knew Momba by name, and she knew them.  Lord Snow drew a few startled looks, but mostly because they knew who he was and were surprised to find him on a little path in the middle of Oz.

Momba had stopped talking for the last mile.  She looked bothered.  I hoped that didn't mean we were about to find more trouble.

Then the path took a sharp turn, and there stood a gate, much like the one that had first brought me to Elsewhere.  I wondered if it would take me to that same spot?  How could I get back to the castle from there?

"Something is not right," Momba said with a hand lifted to stop us from going forward.

I wasn't surprised.

I even dared to lift my hand and try to feel out what the problem might be.  I couldn't see beyond the gate, except for a hint of movement in the darkness.  I used only a little magic, but the gate flared at my touch, and we all backed up in haste. 

I held my breath.  Nothing happened.  "There's a trap on it," I said.  Oh yes, I had learned how to feel out traps.  "Strong fae magic, too.  Don't go any closer, Lord Snow.    Let's figure this one out before we charge in."

"Ha," Lord Snow said, but he did step back with his tail twitching.  Edmond had moved to sit on my shoulder rather than draped around my neck.  "I can sense some creature -- or creatures on the other side."

"Waiting for us to come through," I said with a nod.

Apparently, they decided not to wait.  Four huge Dire Wolves broke through the magic at the gate and charged us.

Where are the flying monkeys when you need them?...

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