Did I mention that the second little chapbook of short stories is out from Yard Dog Press? It came out at ConQuesT, which was a lot of fun for me. Sold quite a few copies there, too. This is Star Bound, and includes three stories: Lucky (previously published at Ideomancer), Three Fragments of a Broken Life (some will remember this from FM), and Finding the Girl in the Robe. These are all sf. The first chapbook from Yard Dog Press was Honor Bound, which had two longer stories -- For the Honor of the Hunt and Playing with Fire. Both of those were also SF.
These books are mostly available at conventions and from their website. Yard Dog Press is probably about the most fun a person can have in publishing. Just spending time with the Yard Dog Press people, and their fearless (boy isn't that true!) leader, Selina Rosen is wonderful. I will have a half a Double Dog (Think the old Ace Double novels, only in trade paperback size) later this year or early next year. That one will be -- I hope -- Farstep Station. I'm still waiting for word on it. Selina (like just about everyone else in the world right now) is behind on things.
I had the edits arrive for my short story in an upcoming issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. The changes were deleting some m-dashes and changing a pronoun to a name for clarity. That was it.
Another of my zoo pictures is going to see print -- this time a picture of a soft-backed nile turtle in a religious magazine. One of my Francois Langur pictures made it into the Kansas City Zoo newsletter.
One of my Vision articles is being printed in a British magazine.
In the writing side of things:
I have about 150 pages left to edit on Glory. I'll be done with it soon. I am starting to work up the notes for the cover letter and synopsis. I think I'll have the entire package out before the end of the month, but it's not entirely certain.
I also have the rest of Ada Nish Pura to finish rewriting. And I will get to it and put it back out again. It's a good book -- just not of the type that Aio now wants to print.
I have Silky 2 to complete in the novels, as well as Serendipity Blues. I had to put SB aside when Ada took so much of my time, but now I feel that I can get back to it. I also have all the notes for the fantasy book that I need to rework into something coherent. I think this might be my NaNo project, but I'm not really certain yet. It might be too complex for something like NaNo.
I have written 12 short stories and two novels this year, with Silky, Ada and Serendipity to finish. I've also written at least six articles.
I'm about to put out the third issue of Vision for this year, and DTF has released the first two books, with many more in line to go out. I'm putting together (ah, more editing!) the first Illuminated Manuscripts collection for DTF as well and I'm getting some nice submissions for the second collection. I hope to do two a year.
My big writing plans for the rest of June is to get a submission package off for Glory and maybe one for Muse as well. I also want to finish Silky 2 and start Silky 3. Both of them will be very short, so I'm not worried about getting them done.
I've had seven sales so far this year, three rejections and a couple pieces still out and waiting. word count for the year so far is a little over 350,000 words.
And I think that's about all the 'zette' news for this half a year!
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