Saturday, August 31, 2024

Flash Fiction #630 -- Neko's Trip Home/10


The power caught me as I started to fall from Colin's arms. Colin gave a cry of despair, but it was Bird Woman who grabbed me out of the air and held me tight.

"You shall not have him back!"

But in answer, I heard the familiar laughter that I had dreaded so much in an earlier life. The sound sent a shiver through me, but Bird Woman Wrapped me in her arms and then pulled the feathered cloak around me as well. I felt magic in the feathers and I thought it made me safe. From the sounds of things around me, I thought the other magic must have faded away. It seemed I could breathe easier again, and I even dared peek out between the layers of cloak to see what was happening.

"We should go now," Colin said and sounded anxious. "And not straight to our enemy. I think I might need more help."

None of us argued. I was even relieved when, a moment later, everything went misty around us. Bird Woman looked intrigued as we took that journey. Colin noticeably relaxed the farther we got away from the last spot. I thought he might be taking us to the Fae lands, so I was surprised when we dropped back into the festival. Our arrival startled several people and a dozen or so chickens that ran for cover. We had kicked up a bit of dust so that I couldn't see very clearly around us. However, I could hear.

"You are back!" Luna cried out. She grabbed me out of Bird Woman's arms without seeing the odd stranger who carried me. She held tightly as she dashed on toward Colin.

In a moment, I found myself being smashed between the two of them. It was a wonderful feeling and chased away all the fear I'd had a moment before. Rage and desperation disappeared as well. I felt as though I could think clearly for the first time since we last seen Luna.

"I feared you would forget me," Luna admitted. She sniffed. "I am so glad to see you again."

"Let me out! I can't breathe!" Shosha shouted though it sounded more like a squeal.

Luna leaped backward in haste and then smiled with delight when Shosha scrambled out of Colin's pocket and up to his shoulder. I started to snarl since that was my place.

"May I hold her?" Luna asked one of those rare humans who didn't just grab.

"Is it safe?" Shosha asked, looking timid for the first time.

"Perfectly safe," Colin replied. He pulled her down and handed the fur ball to Luna.

I had never seen two beings bond so quickly. Colin and I sighed with relief, but Luna and Shosha never noticed. They were busily introducing themselves as they headed for our tent. Colin picked me up and settled me on his shoulder as soon as they were inside.

"That went better than I hoped," he admitted softly. "I think it is a good pairing, as long as you don't mind sharing Luna."

"That doesn't bother me," I admitted. "But what if it did?"

"I would find somewhere else for Shosha."  He stopped and looked at Bird Woman. "Do we need to find a place for you?"

She had a lovely laugh with none of the despair and distance I had felt in that other realm.   As she looked around, her smile grew.

"I may have found my place."

She was right. Bird Woman fit in with the festival crowd far better than Luna, Colin, and I did. A group of acrobats passed, and she watched them intently.

"From what I learned, the groups travel together from place to place and have a winter encampment," Colin said. "They are always open to new additions, as long as they can house and cloth themselves. They do have communal meals."

"None of this is a problem for me," she replied. I had not considered her own magic until now. You will know where to find me if needed. I will call myself Avesa, Lady of the Birds. You won't have trouble finding me if you need to. And this will always be a place of rest for you."

Avesa started past -- but then she stopped and touched Colin's arm. "Thank you. Take care."

She walked away. I watched as birds of several types landed on her shoulders and head.

"Oh yes," Colin said with a bright smile. "She'll do well here."

I suddenly felt as if this was not a disaster, but rather a rescue mission. We had gotten Shosha and Avesa out of their traps. We would get others free.

And then I would go back and see the ocean again.   I was certain Colin wouldn't mind returning to the Pacific and heading to the Atlantic before we all returned to the bookstore.

We didn't have to hunt for our places. We belonged together and at the shop. I even thought the fur ball might be one of us, or she might find another spot along the way.

I could barely pick out Avesa in the crowd.

"I think our next battle will be with fear," Colin said as he headed toward the tent. "That was the feeling I got."

"Me, too."

"Knowing what we will face this time will help us prepare for it. I am also calling in Dorian. We have no idea how many more we might face, and I doubt we can talk past most of them."

"We've gotten lucky," I agreed. Then we passed into the tent. I immediately felt better. "You have a shield on this place."

"I have made this our focal point for now," Colin explained as he placed me on some pillows by Luna and Shosha. "It gives me a small, strong power point for fast escapes."

"And we will need it," Luna added.

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