Saturday, July 22, 2023

Flash Fiction #572 -- Pixie Myths/5


An unusual congregation arrived at the hollow: two bears, five turkeys, and six raccoons. The pixies had never seen such a group.

Naturally, the raccoons spoke for the others.

"We protest --"

"We demand --"

"We  object --"

Dandelion Pixie looked to the bears.

"The squirrels are hiding all the walnuts."

The turkeys grumbled agreement.

Dandelion sighed.  Squirrels hid walnuts every autumn.  They shoved them into any nook and cranny they could find. 

They said they would leave some for others.  Dandelion had another idea.

"Bury some," he said, knowing the squirrels wouldn't remember where they were located. 

And so walnut groves began.

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