Saturday, July 29, 2023

Flash Fiction #573 -- Pixie Myths/6

 The robins were unhappy that the pixies had been given wings.  They took it as an insult and often chased pixies into brambles where they would get tangled in the prickly thorns. The pixies didn't mind in the late spring through early fall when there were blackberries and raspberries to eat.

One windy day a robin nest fell into the bramble bush, and the babies cried so piteously that the pixies came in a swarm.

"I know the path through," Rose said.  "Several of us will lift the nest.  Show us where to put it."

And they never argued again.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Flash Fiction #572 -- Pixie Myths/5


An unusual congregation arrived at the hollow: two bears, five turkeys, and six raccoons. The pixies had never seen such a group.

Naturally, the raccoons spoke for the others.

"We protest --"

"We demand --"

"We  object --"

Dandelion Pixie looked to the bears.

"The squirrels are hiding all the walnuts."

The turkeys grumbled agreement.

Dandelion sighed.  Squirrels hid walnuts every autumn.  They shoved them into any nook and cranny they could find. 

They said they would leave some for others.  Dandelion had another idea.

"Bury some," he said, knowing the squirrels wouldn't remember where they were located. 

And so walnut groves began.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Flash Fiction #571 -- Pixie Myths/4

 The pixies settled into their hollow as the wind howled, but they were safe from the storm.

Then they heard a cry of distress.

"Mother Possum lost two children!"

It wasn't unusual for Mother Possum to lose a young one or two while they foraged for food. The little ones couldn't keep up with her. 

The pixies flew into the dangerous storm and found them.  Daisy Pixie had an idea, though.  She set the young on Mother Possum's fur and told them to hold on. It worked so well that baby possums have held to their mother's fur ever since.

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Flash Fiction #570 -- Pixie Myths/3


The bears frightened everyone as they rumbled and grumbled through the vast Garden of Avalon, only napping now and then.  They were always unhappy until the pixies taught them three things.

The first was to climb trees for fruits and nuts that smaller creatures couldn't reach. They were soon racing up sturdy trunks, though the birds didn't appreciate their large visitors.

Next, the pixies taught them the joy of honey which they loved despite occasional stings.

Best of all, the pixies taught the bears to sleep.  They liked it so well they began to sleep through most of the winter!

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Flash Fiction #569 -- Pixie Myths/2


Before the Pixies had wings, they always argued with the bunnies.   They disagreed over who got a stand of clover or a fallen fruit.  If they met in an immense field, they'd argue over a tiny piece of it.

Then the big rain came, and flood waters began to rise. The bunnies rushed to high ground, herding the small ones ahead of them.

The pixies grabbed the bunnies and took them to safety, sometimes four grabbing one bunny at once.  The bunnies dug a warm burrow and invited the pixies in.

And pixies sometimes sleep with them to this day.