The storm blotted out the sunlight, but Maude still glowed with a hellish orange and red light. Ghostly lightning played across her face. She had changed, and not for the better.
Colin put more power into their protective wall. Neko felt a hint of desperation in the act- and perhaps that was exactly what he was seeing. This was an act for the megalomaniac Maude, who would never consider the true power of a fae.
Now, he didn't know what to expect. Neko supposed this wasn't any different from the rest of the trip. He moved up to Reggie, who gave a grim nod. Did the penguin understand any better than Maude?
Maude came close enough that Neko could see the look of glee on her face. With a sweep of her arms, a flash of light struck the barrier. A spiderweb design spread out in all directions.
So appropriate.
Maude grinned with fiendish delight- and other over-the-top descriptions- as she raised her arms. Colin moved faster, clapping his hands once and throwing blinding power at his own shield.
Neko blinked several times before he could clearly see what had happened. The shield had moved and contracted into a bubble around Maude. Her face had gone from ghostly white to fire red. She must have been screaming, but the sound didn't escape the bubble.
"We go now," Colin ordered and swayed slightly. Neko rushed to him and rubbed magic against his legs. Colin nodded his thanks. Then he looked at the Kachinas. "I wouldn't want to be around here if I were you. The magic won't hold her for long."
They scattered, except for one that Neko recognized as the first that had talked to them.
He stood his ground. "We never-"
"She didn't lie, you didn't lie, we didn't lie," Colin interrupted. "And yet here we are. Go. We are leaving your lands."
The Kachina turned and walked away, disappearing into the still stormy night. Neko feared he could hear Maude's screams of rage. Colin led them quickly away, but Neko wondered and worried about why he wasn't using magic.
They had rushed away for at least twenty minutes, and Neko couldn't imagine that Maude would remain trapped for much longer. They went up one small berm that led around the edge of a rock formation --
And there sat the car!
Colin waved some magic at it. "Go!"
The car roared to life and took off in a miniature sandstorm, racing across the desert.
Without them.
"Colin!" Luna yelped while Shosha cried in despair.
"Hurry! Climb in!"
Neko wanted to point out that the car was already a few miles away, but he stopped when he saw something lift into the air from where the car had been. It took him a moment to make out the sleek, dark shape of a boat. Colin waved for us to get in, and no one argued.
Neko took a running leap and cleared the side as it approached his level. The others were all joining him, with Colin last. Neko landed on some lovely fluffy pillows, which he found amusing. Leave it to the Fae to ensure that even a dangerous escape was comfortable.
Colin was working with the sails, which were as dark as the rest of the boat. They were already moving.
"I am going closer to the storm," Colin explained. "We don't want to be out there in the midst of nowhere with all this magic to draw her attention. The car is heading straight for Dorian, and he has a surprise for her. We just need to stay out of the way."
Neko thought that sounded more promising than he had expected. Flying wasn't as bad as he expected, either. Shosha didn't appear to feel the same way. She made so much noise that Colin used a little sleep spell to get her through the trip.
He looked at Neko.
"I am fine," he said and looked around. Reggie stood at the helm with the wind in his face. Neko would have thought him a real penguin who had always wanted to fly. Maybe that was part of being a familiar. Maybe they took on the aspects of the creatures they represented.
Thinking about Reggie took his mind off of Maude until a gust of wind nearly tipped them on the side. Colin got the craft under control and must have felt they were close enough to the storm. He fought the sails around without the use of magic. Luna placed Shosha by Neko and went to help.
Neko wanted to help, but he stayed and held onto Shosha instead. Neko knew he was small, and the only way he could help would be to use magic, which would make matters worse.
The storm grew worse. Neko feared they had not tricked Maude. The surrounding magic grew stronger - but no. That was not Maude's magic. It might be something far worse.
Neko almost attempted to cross the boat to warn Colin, but the craft still wasn't under control. Even if he thought he could make it, it was too difficult for Shosha to cross and too dangerous to leave her behind. He believed this was not Maude's work, so there was only one other answer.
Most humans never realized that magic was far more common in their world than they would have believed. All of nature held magic, and it did not like to play with other forms of power, including the magic of the Fae. Colin knew this, of course. However, he was focused on stopping Maude and the storm. Neko couldn't get to him, but he could send something by magic. He created a tiny ball and shoved just one word into it, and with all the power he could manage, the little cat threw the message to his companion.
Colin never saw it coming. The ball hit him in the middle of the forehead, and he fell backwards out of the boat.