Saturday, June 10, 2006


We found a friend to take care of the domain name problem, so that's handled. Sigh of relief. Now, even if I can't pay for the site itself, I can keep the name and restart it.

This, by the way, is Lady Jane who is 14 this year. She's a sweetheart and has a lovely face.

We have some hope here of things looking better by the end of the month. It would be nice if it looked better by our anniversary (22nd), but I'm not going to count on that part. Still, there's at least one place that is showing a sign of being interested in Russ for a full time job. He's applied for a number of others, too, most of them in Omaha. We've given up on anything in this area. Good thing I like Omaha, because we may end up moving to that area if anything solid comes through.

Someone is grinding metal outside from the sounds of it. My guess would be the race car driver on the other side of the other house. I've had to put music on, which I normally don't do. I work better in silence. But that's all right. I'm still editing. Almost done....

Besides, Runrig is a wonderful combination of Scottish and Rock Music.

So anyway, if I can keep from getting too stressed today, I'll get something done.

Off to work I go again! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Jean said...

Lady Jane is a gorgeous gal. I hope Russ gets good news on the job hunt front.