Wednesday, October 27, 2004


That's from the ruins at Mesa Verde. I've been stumbling across a good amount of my pictures from there, and pretty soon I'll put together a set of pages for my new web site.

We're drawing awfully close to NaNo!

I've done something silly -- made a NaNo Blog. I think it's going to be fun. And it will give me 'someone' to talk to in November, because from the looks of things, Russ isn't going to be around very much! He'll be in New York the first of the month, Indiana the end of the month, and he not only has his day job, but classes to teach four days a week for most of the rest of the month. The only time I'm likely to see much of him is on that middle of the month trip we're taking to Oklahoma City.

I've gotten a good amount of Vision put together today. I'll do more after I've slept. I have done a couple long rejections, explaining a few problems I saw in novels, and hoping that helps them in the future. I've done a little reading, picked up a few things, and generally just not gotten too fired up about anything I should be doing.

Maybe tomorrow. It's 4am, and I really think that's late enough for tonight. Time for sleep, and then tomorrow I really seriously honestly truly have to get some work done. (grin)

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