Saturday, June 29, 2019

Flash Fiction # 361 -- Connor of Northgate/45

Magra and Godewyn came to see him next, both with bows and frowns -- but he couldn't say they disapproved.  Connor had expected the two since they mostly ran the place and had the most power.  In truth, their reactions would be the ones he most had to measure.

Magra reached over and put a hand on his arm.  "We didn't really believe, but fear and loss can do strange things to a person's thoughts, Connor.  We know Ordin and Galen are evil --"

"Ordin is dead," Antisha said and stepped closer to Connor in a show of solidarity that linked Connor to the royal family.  "Galen killed his son for the
Godewyn gave a hiss of anger his eyes glaring.  For a moment Connor thought he didn't believe Princess Antisha's words, as though merely being with him was enough to discredit her.

"Galen has gone beyond the pale," Godewyn snarled, correcting Connor's misconception.  He had to stop thinking about such things.  "There had been rumors for some time about changes in him that were not for the better.  However, to kill his own son and heir, just to absorb the power?  This is more than any of us expected of him."

"He's done more," Druce said.  "Much more.  I trust word will come from the Royal Court soon."

Godewyn nodded.  He frowned at Connor.  "I don't know how I feel about you being heir, though I'm not surprised that Lord Northgate gave you the position.  I will not work against you, Lord Northgate, but I will decide if I am staying."

"And we'll decide if I am staying," he replied.  "I've already said it, Godewyn.  I won't stay if I am mistrusted."

The older man nodded and even took Connor at his word.

"The King and Queen didn't remove Connor," Antisha pointed out.  "All of you might be wise to consider the reasons."

"Maybe you can tell me why they didn't," Connor said.

"You showed both honor and courage at the court," she said.  "You can't deny it, Connor.  You saved the King.  And besides, Lord Northgate did name you as his heir, and at a difficult time.  He believed you were the one right for this position.  I've seen no reason to doubt it."

"And besides," Master Rion said from the doorway.  "Lord Northgate had been grooming him for this position for most of his life."

Connor looked to the man who had been their teacher and frowned, but he never doubted that Rion was telling the truth, at least as much as he understood it.

"I never knew," Connor said.

"I gave constant reports," Rion replied with a wave of his hand.  "Just the same, we had decided from the start not to tell you or the others.  We couldn't be certain how you would do, Connor, and there was no reason to put you under worse pressure. You always did well.  I dare say you know more about ruling, laws, and how to deal with people than Princess Antisha."

Antisha laughed which startled everyone but Connor.

"Oh, you are right there, sir.  I was never meant to rule, you know.  I've always been trained to other work."

"And I'm not surprised at all," Rion said.  "I am Master Rion.  I've had the pleasure of teaching these young ... students.  I use the term student lightly for most of them."

It was such an improvement in the atmosphere, and he saw even Godewyn smile.

Druce, however, leaned forward with a frown.  "There is one problem.  I have noticed that the Captain of the Guard hasn't come to you yet."

"Yes, I had noticed," Connor said.  "Don't push him, or the rest of the guard."

"This could be a real problem for you, Connor," Erlis added.  He gave a quick look around and noted the lack of guards.  "If the guards are not going to stand by you --"

"I have the rest of you," Connor replied.  The others glanced at each other with worry, and he saw both Druce and Nylia shake their heads.  Liam kept quiet and out of the way, but Connor trusted that if he did anything foolish, he would step in.  "We can't force them to protect me, and demanding that the guard do so would only put me in more danger if they had decided they were not going to serve me."

"But to keep them in here --" Nylia protested.

"I am not going to force them out if they don't make a move against me. I trust that the guards would still do their duty to protect others, and right now, we need that kind of force."

The others reluctantly agreed with that assessment.  Connor, being Lord of Northgate, was really the smaller of the problems they faced just now. Rion was the one who looked most pleased.  Maybe he had learned some lesson from the teacher and didn't even remember what it might be.  Or perhaps he had simply shown good sense, though some of his friends didn't look as though they believed it.

"I'm tired.  I'm going to my room -- my usual room."

"We'll set up the guard, then," Druce said as they all stood.

"I'll take the last watch myself," Connor said.  They didn't argue.  Likely they remembered that he had always been an early riser anyway.

A few minutes later, he was alone in his room, grateful to be somewhere normal.  There had been too many changes since the last time he slept in this bed.

The one thing he had not mentioned to the others was the feeling of power he had now, the pull of the Tower stone to him.  It knew he was the Lord of Northgate.  He only had to convince the others.

And himself.

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