Saturday, September 25, 2004

Russ is home!

I just about have the background material for Mirrors finished. Amazing how such a few pages of things can take so much longer than writing the same amount of novel. (snarl) However, it will be going out soon. Yay!

I have the pages for DT set up and nearly ready to go. I have just one more piece to add in. I hope to have it live in October. This is really wonderful and a lot of fun. There is so much that I want to do.

Russ made it home today. Yay! It's good to have him back. He felt like he was gone for a long time, but really it was only a couple days. I should have gotten more done around the house, but we both agreed that I need to not push work that could hurt my back while he's gone. It's bad enough when he's home -- but home alone and with those problems is really awful.

What else? Oh, two of the three Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia books arrived today. These are the first two books on birds, and I immediately found information on a bird I hadn't been able to identify before this. That was so nice! I have the third bird book still on the way, and then I only have to hunt down reptiles.

I've been reading Volume 3 - Mollusks and Echinoderms. I really hadn't intended to start it until October 1, but it doesn't hurt to get a few pages ahead. (grin)

I've started outlining the next Singer and St. Jude novel. That is going VERY well, too. I am so glad I remembered that I need to get this one written now if I want it in the queue for publication next year! Life is so odd. I forget the strangest things these days.

I'm also reading the Trachiniae by Sophocles, which I had to say I like far better than Eumenides by Aeschylus. I thought I would never get through that one. A shame because I loved Prometheus Bound. I've read all of these before, by the way, but just so many years in the past that I can't remember at what point I stopped.

I just noticed how much this post jumps around from one thing to another -- and right now that's pretty much how my life is going. I love it. There's so much fun stuff to do!

But right now, I think I'll try that sleep thing I hear others talk about!

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