My office looks a little better. Not great yet, but there is a definite improvement in the 'piles of junk' problem. Shelves have even been tidied up a bit, and I will likely get some more done over the next couple days.
My kitchen is starting to look better, too. I may even attempt an attack on the dreaded library, which has become a haven for lost boxes and stacks of video tapes that have not been filed.
It may be more than I can face...
My short story is going fine. I might need to have a goal on it soon, though. The characters have been interesting to play with, but as I often do with short stories, I have no clearly defined plan of action for where I want it to go... and most importantly, where I want it to end. I need to jot that out, I think.
My novel class material is going very well. I may end up with a nonfiction book out of it in the end. That might be fun. I'm not seriously considering that yet, though. I think it will be enough to get the classes done. I'm up to Week 5, although I already have part of Week 6 done as well.
Lady Jane Pudge'ums has found that I've cleaned the desk so she can stand in her favorite spot and head bash me in the shoulder while I'm trying to type. She's so cute!
Beyond that... things are calm and quiet here. Almost all of our snow has melted and it looks as though we won't have any new before Christmas. Odd how that keeps happening.
It looks as though I will have a story in a Best of Anthology next year from Fables. I'm looking forward to that!
So off I go to write more... things.
It's either that or clean house, and I've already done more of that then is healthy, I'm sure. (grin)
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