Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Have I used that picture yet? I'm recycling ones from my journal. Just thought it would be fun.

I have mostly been researching The First Open Door, which is going so well that I have trouble dragging myself away from it. But I do have to get a bit more writing done today. I've told myself that I must work on both Book 8 and Those Who Seek Sanctuary every day, and start clearing some of the backlog of unfinished material I've already got building up this year. In fact, I think I'm not going to start the new book until I get at least one of those two finished, and maybe a dangling short story as well. I also need to get caught up on my editing.

But, over all, I'm doing better today. My back does not hurt nearly as much as it has the last two weeks, and I feel like my brain is coming back out of the 'stuck in pain mode' feeling.

I may start typing up the notecards for the new book though, so I can get the worldbuilding stuff in order and printed out. I still have some serious background work to do for two areas -- but for the most part, it's going very well.

Hmmm... Just remembered a book I want to try and track down on line. So... off I go to do that before I get work on writing.

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