Saturday, October 07, 2023

Flash Fiction #583 -- Neko's Vacation/9



Neko threw himself onto the dashboard and flattened his face against the glass.  They were driving through a canyon, working their way downhill, and the ocean came in and out of sight so often it made Neko breathless.

Colin found the first spot he could park and they headed down to the golden beach.  Neko dashed out into a retreating wave and back again to grab Luna's shoes when a larger wave rushed up over them.

All three laughed with delight, but they found a spot on the dry sand to rest.  Colin magicked blankets and food, and they sat in the warm sun.

Neko stretched out on his back and fell asleep.  He could hear his companions talking and noted when the breeze came up.

"Sleep well?" Luna asked as the cat stood and stretched.

"I love the sound of the ocean," Neko admitted.  "I can't really remember, but I think I was born on an island.  I might have been a bit like Marla -- young and with some power.  I suspect that drew both Minau and Maude to me."

"You know Minau?" Colin asked, surprised.  "But she would never have given you to Maude!"

"She didn't.  Maude tricked her into believing I was dead."

"Minau?"  Luna asked.

"The Goddess of Mischief and Cats," Colin explained.  "She's well known in many realms, but not here.  Still, you could have called on her, Neko.  She is honorable and would have --"

"I couldn't reach her.  Maude cut me off from her from the start.  I might now, but matters have changed."

Before either could speak, Neko started chasing gulls again.  The sun was already casting a fiery red haze over the ocean.  A shark had come too close to shore, and Neko wasn't the only one to stay out of the water.  A helicopter patrolled the area, but Neko thought it unlikely anyone would want to go swimming now.

Far out on the horizon, a large ship drifted by, looking like something from another world.  Books about ships had been among his favorites, although he had never cared for the idea of hunting rats and other vermin from their decks.  Jobs for cats -- even talking ones -- were limited at sea.

When Neko looked back, the two appeared to be deep in a serious  discussion. Since those conversations bored him to tears, Neko kept chasing gulls until Colin called him back.

They were both smiling.  Good.

"I am going to stay with you for the trip back to the east coast," Luna announced.  She was all but bouncing. "I was only going here to escape the problems -- but I'd have to hide here, too.  And my local relatives were just as bad as the east coast ones.  Besides --"

"Hold on," Neko said.  "You really don't think I am going to complain, do you?"

"I -- I didn't think Colin would offer.  I am used to people preferring not to -- never mind!"

"I am going to do a few readings," Colin said as he stood.  "Then we'll find a place to stay and a nice restaurant."

That sounded good.  For now, though, Neko curled up beside Luna and napped again.

Neko had been ready to go back to the bookstore, and without the car trip.  He realized now that the thought of losing Luna had badly depressed him.

He suspected the same had been true for Colin -- and for Luna.  Now they would all be together for at least a few more weeks.

Then, over a wonderful meal of shrimp and steak, Neko had a brilliant idea.

"Luna, how would you like to work in a historic bookstore full of odd books, a bit of magic -- and an attic overrun with Pixies?"

Luna looked shocked by the offer and looked at Colin --

"Neko owns the building and the store.  It is his decision -- and a really good one, I think.  You've both heard me talk about going back to the fae lands for awhile.  Dorian has to go as well, so no one would be around to keep Neko company or run the shop."

"I'd love to help out!"

So they talked about that for a while.

"I will be back when I am done reporting all we've found.  With Neko's permission, I am going to suggest the bookstore as a regular meeting place on this side of the veil. A safe house and a place to leave messages."

"I like that idea," Neko agreed.

They started out the next day by heading north, intending to take a more northernly route back to Rhode Island.  The morning proved gray and damp, a thick fog lying along the shore line and the sun hardly penetrating it.

They laughed and joked. Colin even hinted that they might head into Canada and maybe all the way to Alaska.

"What is going on?" Neko asked.  "This is far too much --"

"Exactly," Colin replied.  "Far too much is going on.  Too many creatures on this side -- ogres, pixies, tree trolls, gargoyles -- and those are just the ones we happened to wander upon in our journey.  Unless we get the trouble under control, this reality is going to be drastically changed.  Before long, humans won't be able to ignore the magic that is coming with the others."

"You think there is something behind these beings showing up here," Luna said.

"We fear so.  I am making this trip to see if I can stumble across anything.  Marla threw me off the work, but we did need to get her settled."

"You don't think her suddenly awakened power is part of the trouble?" Neko asked.  

"It might be, but that's Dorian's problem now."

So they headed north, as content as they had been leaving the east coast.

Neko suspected they were in for a lot more fun.

The End

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