Friday, September 09, 2022

Flash Fiction #527 -- The Long Way Home/26


Zorian dumped Rory on the deck and didn't even pause to see if he had survived the drop.  By that action, Rory knew they were in some trouble still.

It did give him a chance to consider the situation, though.  Until now, the New Order of Man had been a strictly military cult.  Where had they gotten a mage?

Where had they gotten a mage with this much power?

Atria was his best guess, though why the Atrians would send one of their few mages was lost to him.  Unless ...

Would it be worth risking a mage -- and one of considerable power -- to stir up trouble in Euriday?  What could they want here?

Prince Palkin landed unceremoniously beside him and looked around to ensure he was out of sight, as best as any of them could be.  Rory barely had the ability to nod.  His arms were leaden and his legs almost as bad.  Even catching his breath proved hard.

Palkin looked down at him and frowned.  "You need to be careful, friend mage.  We must find another way to deal with the enemy's magic."

Rory almost protested that idea, but the Prince was right if for no other reason than they might lose him and need things they could do on their own.

Something he needed to consider.  Quickly.

The magic in the air had died down to a slight tingle, and the magically-fueled storm also began to fall apart.  The fighting continued, but that was work for others.  As much as Rory wanted to leap in and help his friends and other companions, he knew it was not wise.

Soldiers began to arrive on the ship's deck.  Palkin went to help with his people while Rory tended the wounded, using only the lightest magic to help where he could.  Even that wore him down, though.

Zorian dragged him away and off toward the front of the ship. Bow?  His mind would not sort out anything now.

"You are trying to kill yourself, aren't you?" Zorian demanded.  Jamison, Keltrina, and Andora had joined them.  Rory felt better for having them there.  "Are you listening to me?"

"Not if I can help it," Rory replied.  "Stop making those sounds.  I am doing what I can to help."

But Rory knew Zorian had been right to pull him away.  He could hardly lift his head and wisely kept his hands in his lap where no one would see them tremble.  Not that he fooled the others, only that he could lie to himself.

"What is going on out there?" Rory asked with barely a slight nod toward the world.  He could tell they were casting off, and the sounds of trouble had lessened, but he could see nothing.

"We've fought the New Order off our ships, and we're the last pulling out," General Unanik said as he neared.  He did not sit down, which meant they must be out of range.  Rory didn't stand to find out.  "The New Order's ships are badly damaged, so they're going to be walking home.  We'll arrange for them to be met along the way.  All we have to do is sail back to the capital."

Rory looked up with a sigh.  The travel was rough, and his head ached.  He didn't want more trouble.

"You sound as though you think we are going to have trouble," he said.

"We still have the Atrian fleet."

"Do we?"

"Oh yes.  You were right -- it was behind the outlying island.  Five ships, from what we can see.  The storm is still kicking up a lot of water."

"Can we get out ahead of them?"

Unanik gave an uncharacteristic shrug.  "Captain Leschan is working with Zorian, who knows these waters.  We're ignoring why and how he knows them."

"Very wise since he also works for my Queen."

"I suspected as much.  So we have two agents of the  Queen of Sundry working in our lands."

"At least two," Rory replied.  "I would expect more."

Unanik gave a little laugh.  "I suppose that's fair since we have a few in Sundry."

"We have so many in various lands that it's a wonder others haven't noticed a population drop."

"That's probably my fault," Unanik admitted.  His voice dropped.  "I sent Queen Intesia to take refuge at Queen Calladona's court.  Quietly.  We had been seeing too much activity on the borders, and I feared to leave her at her country estate with so little protection."

Rory wanted to ask indiscreet questions, but he'd been taught better.  Unanik waited for it but nodded appreciation when Rory said nothing more.  So Rory had probably passed a test for whatever good that did him.

Not much good and no help in this.   He felt something tingle in the air and stood so suddenly that he startled everyone around him.

"More magic," he warned.  He traced the path, limping until he saw the ship coming behind them.  The magic felt unsteady, which relieved Rory of some worry.  They were both on the same level of energy.  Rory just had to be a little trickier than his opponent.  He'd proven good at that back at the temple.  Even Temple Master Pyrida had trouble avoiding his elaborate traps.

He tested again and felt an odd sense of knowing this magic --

"Oh, damn."  He spun, found Zorian on the Captain's deck, and waved his arms.  "Zorian!  Turn off this path!  Now!"

"If we turn, we head for the rocks or the Atrians --"

"Atrians!" Rory shouted.  "Trust me!"

Zorian mumbled things he could not hear at this distance.  Just as well.  Zorian spoke briefly to the man who must be Captain Leschan.  That man gave orders, and they were soon turning.

Rory hoped it was soon enough.  He focused his magic back on the other ship, caught the thread of his enemy, and felt a familiar sense of dismay.

"Pyrida is the mage with New Order of Man."

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