Friday, August 19, 2022

Flash Fiction # 524 -- The Long Way Home/23

 Andora rejoined them in midmorning.   From the slight frown, Rory could guess something had gone wrong, though there was no sign of the news spreading through the troops.

"Yes?" Rory said.

"A pair of Sciwhen scouts are long overdue. They were about two miles off to our right," she said and glanced that way. "We have reason to believe there might be an Atrian force out there."

"Of course. Why not? I knew someone was missing from our gathering," Rory replied. "What do we do?"

"Keep moving, probably a little faster," Andora said. "Get to those ships of yours."

"Not mine. I'm from Sundry."

"My apologies," she said with a little quirk of a smile. "You are all men. Besides, you have stayed with the Euriday forces."

"And that's a problem?" he asked, catching a hint of something more.

"Your people are being led by a foreign prince. The person with high rank -- your Temple Master -- left them. I heard one person say you have seemed to change since you left court."

"I'll go spend some time with them," he said, understanding the problem. "No, the rest of you stay here --"

"I am going with you," Zorian replied. "There has been too much strange stuff going on, Rory. Having backup won't hurt. Besides, I was at court with you, so they'll be used to me standing at your shoulder."

Rory didn't argue. Andora only nodded and moved off, leaving them to sort it out. Rory and Zorian headed back down the line to where Prince Palkin rode with the Sundry at his back. He looked relieved to see Rory, which told him there had been trouble. The troops looked unsettled, but then so did everyone else. The news about the Atrians had not gone out yet. Rory would've seen far more reaction if the news had spread.

"Priest," one of the few men in uniform said with a nod. "We had heard there was one of you in with this group, but I was surprised you hadn't joined us yet."

Rory looked at the man and saw all their problems. He had an attitude, and Rory was just in the mood that he would have enjoyed pressing the man about what was happening. Rory held that reaction back, although Zorian made a sound of displeasure. The soldier frowned and looked as though he thought he should know who this man was. Rory suspected he must have been brought in from the backcountry and had not spent time at court.

"I have been somewhat busy," Rory replied and even looked the man over with a bit of disdain. "Besides, my orders from the Queen sent me to work with the Euriday."

It was true in some respects, and as far as Rory wanted to go with this man. Rory certainly didn't want to mention he was a spy and in the company of other spies from other countries.

Prince Palkin dismounted and handed his horse off to another man so that he could walk with them. He gave the soldier a look of mistrust that was not lost on anyone. Rory thought that might bring trouble, but the rest of the men seemed to understand. Once again, this pointed out that the officer was from another place, and he had not won their trust yet.

"Your fine Queen told me to be on the lookout for you, Roridan. She said I should put my full faith in whatever insanity you suggested. And so, here I am."

Zorian, who had been making slight sounds of displeasure, now laughed. The soldier didn't look any happier about it, and Rory suddenly worried for the Prince more than himself. He gave a slight sign to Zorian, who blinked back in agreement as he inched slightly closer to the Euriday prince.

"So, do you have any madness to share with me?" Palkin asked.

"There appeared to be Atrians somewhere off to our right," Rory said. "We're still hoping to reach the ships before we fall into a battle with them. I hope they see three different forces marching together and decide they are not strong enough to take us on."

"And what does a priest know about --"

"Roridan Callan was Captain of the Queen's Guard before he went to the temple," Zorian explained.

The man looked startled, then gave a strange, weary glance toward the other soldiers, some of whom hardly hid their grins.

"No one told me," he said. "My apologies."

The man not only sounded sincere but also as though he had gotten too used to saying those words. Rory thought he saw how this relationship must have gone so far between him and the men.

Rory did recognize a few of the junior officers and gave them a rueful look that a couple took to heart. He had no time for anything else, though. Besides, he wouldn't dress down the men in the presence of the other troops.

Andora showed up just then, a bit breathless from her run down the line. None of these people were used to Sciwhen soldiers and her arrival unsettled even Prince Palkin, though he hid it better.

"The two scouts are dead," she said with a shake of her head. "We can't know what they saw. More scouts are scouring that area, but I believe they were not killed where they were found. Generals Unanik and Junal would like everyone to be ready in case of attack. We're getting closer to the bay. You can smell the sea."

Rory had been so caught up in trouble with his people that he hadn't noticed the faint salty mist in the air.

"A question, if you don't mind," the officer said.

"Yes, Lt. Tanrun?" Prince Palkin asked.

"Does anyone know where the Atrian fleet is just now?"

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