Friday, April 29, 2022

Flash Fiction #508 -- The Long Way Home/8

 That news came as a relief to Rory. He didn't like he'd been unconscious for however long they'd been on the ship. He had never been well known for his patience, and sitting here at the dock with Kellic not far away did not appeal to him. The aches and weaknesses in his limbs told me it had been a couple days already.

However, going out in a storm strong enough that the dock master suggested they tie down might not be the best choice. He looked up at the man they were trusting with their lives – and then he looked at Jamison and Keltrina.

Jamison would never have done anything to put her in more danger. That meant he trusted this man, and since Rory trusted Jamison, that ended his worries. At least for the moment.

"Here's a big problem," the Captain said. He put aside his finished cup. "All the rest of my crew are being held in the port, which is true for all the other ships. I know Jamie has sailed a few times, and even Kel here knows her way around the ship. What about you, Rory?"

"I've been on ships a few times and worked two of them, but I am not well-trained."  Rory smiled. "I might have other skills that can help, though."

Matinique smiled and looked a lot more his age. He also looked dangerous, which didn't surprise Rory, given the situation. This man clearly hadn't even thought twice about taking them all in and getting them out of the city under the nose of a very paranoid and angry Prince.

"Then we'll go with the storm," the man said and looked relieved. He was probably happy to get out of the city. Anyone would be under the circumstances. "The storm should be well on us before midnight. I suggest you go back to the hold and rest until then. Some of the other captains might wander in and out of the ship. I dare not tell them no. I'll do nothing to draw their curiosity because the captains are more likely to notice the discrepancy in the castle than anyone from the Army. If someone does notice, I'll buy them off with a couple bottles of contraband wine and from your father's own stores, Jamie."

Jamison smiled. "I'm sure he would fully approve."

So they went back down to the little room. Keltrina had the bed this time and fell asleep. Rory wanted to ask questions, but he knew better than to say anything aloud. Instead, he slept sitting up, though part of his mind continued to monitor what was going on around them. He had regained at least part of his powers, and he wouldn't be slow to use them to save any of his three new friends.

Perhaps he should have asked where they were going from here. He had a duty that would take him away from the river and certainly not out into the ocean, which sat a few miles away. He needed to get back home, back to his own Queen, and tell her all the things they worried about were true. Even with the little he'd heard about Atria had not sounded good. Rory suspected he knew where his next assignment would be.

If he survived this one.

Despite all his worries, Rory slept well. He only came fully awake again when the first winds of the storm started to rock the boat more violently. By then, it was dark above the dock except when lightning flashed. Rory had the impression that this had become more of a storm than the others had expected. Rory climbed up and stayed low until he was sure no one else was around to spot them. Matinique already worked at the ropes, which would probably make it look as if he was reassuring himself that they were tied down well. One guard went past, and if he said anything, Rory couldn't hear it above the sound of the storm.

The rain had started as well, but Rory wasn't sure when since the winds had blown splashing waves up the river.

"Oh, I can't say I like this very well," Keltrina admitted.

"We can sit this one out," Jamison said, and Rory nodded in agreement. "I know Mantinique is anxious to get away, but that's just because he hates boredom."

"I'd rather go," Keltrina answered and sounded steadier again. "We've been lucky so far, but that can't hold on for too long. At least one of the guards knows something is going on with the ship. As much as I would like to think he wouldn't give us away, I expect that Kellic might start offering some gold for our recovery – and that includes you, Rory. Maybe you more than any of us."

"It is something I've considered," Rory admitted. "And that is why I probably won't be with you for much longer. Don't worry. I'll see you safely out of this danger before I go off on my own."

"I wish you wouldn't go," Keltrina replied, a hand on his arm.

"He has his own job, my love," Jamison answered. "He has duties and has already set them aside to help keep us alive. Just the same, I wouldn't mind if you came with us to my father's estate."

"That's really where you intend to go?" Rory asked. He shook his head in confusion. "Isn't that the first place that Kellic will look for you?" He paused and shook his head. "I remember now. You and your father had some spectacular arguments. And you still think you'll be safe there?"

"Some spectacular and well-staged arguments," Jamison corrected and grinned at Rory's surprise. "My father and I mistrusted Kellic for years, and he's done worse than expected. Now the group to which I belong must take action."

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