Thursday, November 25, 2021

Flash Fiction #486 -- Cyber Rats/5

 The six people running the port had been locked up and without supplies.  They were delighted to be released.  Alyn got their statements, made official seals on the recordings, and boxed them for Fisher.

Time to go... though they did pause long enough to send Smarl and Dyna on their last journey to the system's star.  A few of the enemy went as well,  with two of their own to see them off.  Then they went back to their rooms.

If Admiral Fisher had not been their official commander, Diamond would have just handed the prototype engine and the would-be pirates off to the first IWC ship they found.  However, they were her unique project, Cyber-Rats and all.

Instead, they tracked her down through half a dozen Inner Worlds and finally made port with her on Tempest.  The world lived up to its name. A significant storm system moved in, making them the last ship down until it passed.  It wasn't safe to leave the ship for more than twenty hours.  Everyone spent time on the control deck, marveling at the stupidity of people who lived on a world with this kind of weather.

Diamond finally went to bed.  Less than an hour later, Alyna woke him with a comm buzz.

"What?" he demanded

"Fisher is on her way," she said.

"Of course she is.  I'll be down in the bay."

"I'll join you."

"Thank --" the line went dead, "you."

He rinsed his face, brushed down his hair, and was out in the hall by the time Alyna came down from the control deck.

"Has the storm eased up?" he asked.

"Not that we noticed," she replied.  "Fisher can't like this weather, can she?"

"I have given up trying to decide what the Admiral likes or dislikes.  Though the honey was nice if we could have just kept the bees contained.  I'm still working on that one."

Alyna glanced at her comm.  "She's just putting down.  I can't believe anyone could fly an aircar in this weather.  Why do I get the feeling that there is something important going on?"

Diamond grunted agreement as they hurried to the bay's small airlock that was already cycling, reminding Diamond that she did command the Sunfire and could get in and out on her own.  He straightened up, and they both saluted when she entered with her usual aide, Lindsy.  Admiral Fisher waved off the salutes, a sure sign of trouble.

"We don't have time for. . ."  Her voice trailed off, and she blinked before she focused back on him.  "We need. . ."

"Tell me that's not..." Lindsy began and then shook his head and walked past them.

He went straight to the prototype engine.  Fisher followed her aide, and they both looked it over in silence for a couple minutes.

"How the hell did you end up with what I was about to send you out to find?" Fisher demanded.

So they explained.  By the time they were done, Lindsy was calling in the Port Guard to pick up their pirate guests and help move the prototype to a better location.

"I am sorry about Smarl and Dyna.  However, this certainly saves a lot of hair-pulling," Fisher admitted.  "I guess I'll just pick up the rats --"

"No way in hell!" Alyna exclaimed, surprising both of them.  Then she lifted her hand in apology.  "Sorry, Admiral.  Captain."

"It's alright," Diamond said with a pat on her shoulder.    He turned to the Admiral.  "No way in hell, Admiral Fisher, ma'am."

"You are not going to give Mik and Min back."


She blinked.  "What if I ordered --" Fisher stopped at the look on their faces.  "Well.  Huh.  I guess we'll call this one a success.  I would like to see them."

Diamond gave a quick nod to Alyna and hoped it didn't betray his worry.  He and Fisher talked about the prisoners.  They were taken off first with furious glares at him and the prototype.

Alyn, not Alyna, brought back Mik and Min, both sitting on his shoulders and wearing their uniforms.   They both looked worried when they saw Fisher and the Port Guards and IWC Whites, who were preparing to move the engine.

"Uniforms," Fisher said.  "They have little rat uniforms."

"Of course," Alyn said with a bright smile.  "We wanted them to feel like they belonged."

Fisher looked at Diamond.  Min chose that moment to jump to his shoulder and snuggle down into his arms.

"Well, okay then.  We're doing an extended Rat Experiment," Fisher said.  "You do realize that these are expensive animals, right?"

"One does not buy and sell friends," Alyn replied -- and sounded remarkably like Alyna just then.  Mik and Min were a good influence on them.

Fisher nodded.  "Right.  I'll have a new assignment for you soon.  Good work."

Fisher looked somewhat stunned as she and Lindsy left.  That was an excellent role reversal.

"Problem, Captain?" Alyna asked.

"I've finally noticed that people will argue with logical, calm Alyna, but they tend to just agree quickly with Alyn rather than get drawn into his version of the universe."

Alyna smiled.  Or maybe Alyn.  "Yes, we've noticed."

Maybe it didn't matter which one.

"Let's book the first chance to get off-world.  I'm sure Fisher will have something for us before this storm clears.  I don't think we're going to hire a new crew yet.  We'll do fine."

"Yes, we will.  Shall I go start a meal?"

"Alyn?  No.  Get Alyna on it.  I want my taste buds to survive."

"You need to live dangerously, Captain."

"I just went up against Fisher to keep the Rats.  I think that's enough for one day."

Min gave him a kiss on the chin.

Retra and Kyle supervised the IWC Whites as they took out the prototype.  Diamond hoped to find out what exactly they'd saved at some point, but today they were happy just to have the ship back to themselves.

The End

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