Friday, February 19, 2021

Flash Fiction # 446 -- The Fae Underground/23

 I sorted out the groups in my mind, trying to decide how best to handle whatever we were facing.  Far behind us, hidden in the ground, the mass of Faeland beings hid in their huge cavern, most if not all of them without their natural leaders.  Next came a multitude of humans, not nearly as many as the others, but dangerous enough because they were, well, humans.  The Queen and Yating held them in place for the moment, but I didn't think they could manage that for much longer.

Next was me, Sylph, Lycan, and King Pixie with his people.  We'd already done the impossible and sent an army of orcs, trolls, and others on the run.

Next though ... next came the darkness.  Light made no difference to whatever they were if there were even more than one.  I had the feeling of it, but at best, I might have seen a ripple or two of black against black to show anything of substance at all.

"If we knew what they wanted, we would have a better chance of dealing with them," Sylph said.

"Maybe --" I began and then shook my head because it was crazy.

"Say," said Lycan, a quick glance my way.

"Maybe they're not the enemy either.  Maybe there is something behind them."

"They haven't attacked," Sylph agreed.  "They've been loud, they've been scary, and they do bring darkness -- but not as a weapon.  Now, what do we do?"

I didn't like how she looked at me as though I should have an answer to this.  But just the same, I looked at the darkness and tried to consider the entire situation.

"I think they followed us here," I said.  "Or more like the gleaned where we were going and appeared at the same time.  And that makes me think it is probably the fae queen they are trying to reach."

"But not to kill her," Lycan said.  The words sounded reasonably uncertain.

"That would be my guess, but that's all it is.  I don't think we can risk the Queen on such a flimsy idea.  We need more information.  More time --"

"We have neither," King Pixie said.  "I'll take this idea to her."

And he buzzed away before I could stop him -- as though it might be my right to do so.  Fine.  I spent the time studying the darkness instead.  How could we even communicate?  It was too large, too vast.

I was convinced now that the orcs, trolls, and others had only taken advantage of the darkness that had probably swept down on them, too.  They had gathered in their groups and charged off to attack anything in their path, running ahead of a darkness they didn't understand any more than we did.

"We've run from the darkness," I said, drawing the attention of Sylph and Lycan.  "We need to find out what it is.  I'm going to walk toward it, and if I can, into it --"

"Not alone," the Queen said from just behind my shoulder.

She startled me, but she smiled when I turned.  Yating nodded as well.  They acted as though I had done something right, and I could not even imagine what it could be in this mess.

"King Pixie and his people will hold the illusion for as long as it needs to be," the Queen said.  "We --"

"Oh, no.  Not you with us," I said with a quick shake of my head.

"And that is why you will never do well in court," she replied with a narrowing of her eyes.

"Fine.  I won't do well at court.  Yating, she needs to stay here because there are thousands of fae beings less than a mile away, and if they decide to leave hiding --"

Yating looked panicked, caught between her will and what was clearly the wiser choice.

"This isn't to keep you safe," I said.  "Nothing in this situation is safe, my Queen.  It is a matter of what you can do that none of the rest of us could."

She frowned again but then gave a nod of agreement.  "Yes.  And if nothing goes right, I'll be dealing with it anyway.  Yating, go with them.  King Pixie, if I might have a bodyguard --"

"You shall have my very best, two hundred strong.  You need not worry, fae.  We will keep the Queen safe."

If he had said so before that last battle, I would have bowed my head to hide my smile.  Having seen them take on orcs and trolls, I gave a real nod of thanks instead.  Yating looked equally relieved.

The Queen reached out, her hand moving in the air, and a surge of power fell over the four of us.  I felt not only a rise in energy but also a new strength in my usual abilities.

"I have gifted you with magic for the duration," the Queen said.  "Use it wisely."

She turned and walked away, heading back toward the humans and the magic that kept them placated for a little while longer.  I stayed where I was, feeling the rush of magic that melded with my own powers.  The scene seemed more apparent now, the darkness just as black but rippling more than I had expected.  We all four watched it for a moment, getting a better feel of our powers and what we faced.

I began walking forward, the others moving in to follow me a step behind.  I suppose it was time I took up the mantle of a Prince of the Realm, something I'd done my best to avoid before now.  I am not good at court functions as the rest of my siblings.

I had spent my life learning other things, and that was what brought me here.  I may not have been as knowledgeable as I would have liked before this battle, but I had faced trouble before.  I didn't slow.  Whatever problem we met, I was as ready as I could be.

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