Friday, April 19, 2019

Flash Fiction # 351 -- Connor of Northgate/35

Antisha stared at the captive centaurs, her face dark with anger. "Yes, they're thin because of the magic Ordin and Galan steal from them," she said.  Rage showed in her eyes, and her voice had grown a little louder.  She fell silent as someone walked by, though.  They sat very still, but the person never looked their way.

"Isn't this a dangerous place to be with the magic you've used here?" Connor asked, waving a hand towards the odd ceiling above them.

"Galan and Ordin are using an excessive amount of magic to keep everyone under control," she said.  Her face changed and showed more worry.  "They have Lord Northgate and Liam, Connor."

Connor started to move out of reaction, but Antisha caught his arm with a hiss of warning.  He stopped, dragging in one ragged breath and another.  He gave a quick nod, and she let go of his arm, though her hand hovered nearby, waiting for him to make another stupid move.

"What can we do?" he finally asked.

She nodded to the Centaurs.  "I had hoped the villagers would be closer and I could get them free -- yes, many of them are sealed as well, though not the children.  They don't have power enough for the bastards to steal.  The Centaurs are going to be tricky, but I'll have to try and get at least a few of them free of the seals and hope they can get to the others."

Antisha started to move, but Connor stopped her this time.  She looked at him with a stare that reminded Connor she was powerful in many ways.  He still held on.

"I'll do it.  Tell me what to do," Connor whispered.  "I'll get them free."

"Why --"

"Because I don't have magic, and I might go unnoticed. If they do catch me, you are better prepared to rescue me than I would be to rescue you.  That's all this is about, Antisha."

She looked at him, considering the words, and the nodded.  "You're right.  It's easy to do.  See that roan there at the end?  That's Braslyn.  He knows me.  Before you do anything, whisper to him that I've sent you and that he has to remain still until you get a few others free. Then slap the seal.  It should crack and break.  Be quick, Connor.  If the guard sees that the seal is gone, we'll all have to move."

"Where is Lord Northgate?" Connor asked.

"There," she pointed toward the center of the camp.  "Caged, both he and Liam.  Be careful, Connor.  You and I have a lot of work to do."

Connor didn't waste time, though walking into the enemy camp was not something he had planned to do.  He moved carefully up to the roan. The head almost bowed, fighting the control on him.
"Be still," Connor whispered.  "Antisha sent me.  I'll get you free and get some of the others as well, and then you can start moving."

Connor did not know if the Centaur understood him or not.  He had to take the chance though.  He slapped the seal, and it disintegrated in a flash of little sparkles.  The Centaur shivered, and Connor looked around in haste, expecting someone to have seen.

"Be fast," Braslyn said, his voice not as quiet as Connor would have liked.

Connor moved on to the next one and then another and had just started on the fourth when trouble came their way. He heard the shouts but didn't see what had happened.  Centaurs began to move.  He threw himself away from the center of trouble, spotted the cages and headed straight for them.

He found Liam first.  He had started to stand, though he didn't get far.  Connor reached for the lock.

"No," Liam said.  His voice didn't hide his pain.   Connor could see bruises and suspected worse.  "No.  Get Lord Northgate.  Get away."

"Liam --"

"Go!  There is no other chance.  Be strong.  I'm sorry."

Connor wanted to argue, but this was Liam, and there might be a good reason to do what the seer ordered.  He went for Lord Northgate and would come back for Liam.  Lord Northgate was already trying to get the lock open, though he couldn't really reach it.  Connor tore the lock off and pulled Lord Northgate from the cage.  He was not in as bad of shape as Liam, but he still had trouble keeping to his feet.

He'd had every intention of going back for Liam, but Galen and Ordin both were heading straight for them.  Connor took hold of Lord Northgate and darted away from the camp.  They wouldn't have much cover, but if he could get to the stand of trees on the far side of the stream, he spotted on the other side of the camp.

Connor should have had a better plan.  He should have had something prepared, but all he could do was run and pull Lord Northgate with him.

They were not going to get clear of this mess.  Connor spun when he heard the shouts and running feet coming too close.  Ordin shouted and threw a blast of power straight at Connor.  He wouldn't survive.

Lord Northgate threw himself in front of Connor, trying desperately to raise a shield.  He deflected some of the power but the shield died, and Lord Northgate took most of the hit.  He went down to his knees.

And then he fell forward, unmoving.

The shock stopped Ordin, which saved Connor as he knelt and turned the man over.  He was pale and almost still, but his eyes opened, and he took a ragged breath.

"I had meant -- something different.  Always intended for you --"  Lord Northgate gasped and lifted his hand and Connor took it.  "Remember our afternoons when you were young, Connor.  I name you my heir."

His hand tightened, and the power of Northgate flowed into Connor as the man died.

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