Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Storm Sale

I have put one of my favorite urban fantasy novels on sale for a few weeks in honor of summer striking my area (and the area of the novel) with the usual fury.

Summerfield grew up traveling from one odd place to another while his parents searched for enlightenment.

And yes, he does work for the nation's leading paranormal publication, Wolton World News -- or Woo Woo News as the scoffing locals call it.

That doesn't mean he's prepared for all kinds of weirdness in the last place he expected to find it . . . Omaha, Nebraska.

An unexpected storm and the search for a large mutant cat are only two of the unusual things happening as the Wolton World News reporter finds himself involved in something a bit odd even for him!

 Summer Storm is on sale for only $1.99!

You can buy this fun little book from Smashwords.  Use the code NE69B at the check out to get the sale price:

Smashwords has epublications of all the major types:  Mobi (Kindle, etc.) Epub (Nook, etc), PDF and more.

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