Thursday, June 02, 2005

Good Writing Day in an Odd Way

Turtles at Squaw Creek Wildlife Refuge

There are days I love being a writer!

Today did not look like one of them when it started out. Part of that was the rush to get Russ out the door to catch his plane. He should be in Atlanta now. I'm waiting on email, but I suspect I won't get any until tomorrow. He'll be home on Sunday.

After he left about 1pm, I started wandering around the house, picking things up, thinking about the fact that I did my last short story on Tuesday and here it is the first of the month, and I don't have a clue what I want to write.

I worked on some nice Bryce/Daz picture stuff. I cleaned more of the house. I brushed cats and did dishes.

And I finally I thought I ought to pull out the notes for a new book I am thinking about writing. Some nice free form note taking about some ideas....


I get a great set of ideas, and now I have this major wonderful plan for what I want to do with all these odd world building and character notes. It's going to take me quite a bit of world building still, though. Tons of it. And I am looking forward to it, too. But then I always do.

I've decided (just now) that I'm on my own little writer's retreat. I'll read writing books and articles, work on my worldbuilding and character development, and begin working out the plot. It's going to take more than five days (four now) to get this one all worked out, but when I do....

I'm looking up at the writing books and trying to decide which one would be the best to start with. Oh! The Writer's Journey (Vogel). It deals with the entire mythic structure, and that's just exactly what this book covers and what it will need. Excellent. I haven't found a good use for that book until now, even though I have found it fascinating. And it works right into my notes on circles.

So, in a little while I'll take my book and my Pocket PC off to bed and look at some structure notes, character archetypes, and you know... that plot stuff.

I may use my Access database for this book. It'll give me a chance to test it out and see what needs to be fixed on it. I haven't looked at it for a couple years now. If I get the database kinks all worked out I might even offer it at FM.

Ack. I'm suddenly tired. Wavering. I think I'll skip taking everything in with me tonight. Just the PPC for notes. I need some sleep.

Twelve stories. Twelve bits of myth as well? Maybe so.

But right now I think about twelve hours of sleep. I'm not kidding. I'm not usually this tired, but it's been a busy few days.

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