Hello. Yes, still alive. Somewhat.
I am still sorting through vacation pictures, too, although this should be the last day, since I'm down to the last 122 shots from vacation. If I get through them, then I can post the already written trip report. Of course I've 'chosen' over 200 pictures, so I'm going to have to go through and cull the finished list as well. I figure I might allow myself only one out of every five pictures. Possibly one out of ten. I can then use the rest for daily posts until even I get bored looking at them.
I also have three more Vision articles called up and ready for an edit before I send them off to my wonderful copy editor. I'll get those done today. And if I can get my eyes to focus (they really don't want to) I may even be able to work with the Excel data sheet and get all the information in there for the contracts and get those emailed.
Those are my non-writing goals for the day. Sounds like a full day's worth of work to me. So my writing goal is going to be just another 1000 words on Sooma. Once I get the Vision stuff all finished I'm going to go back to some of the other work. Sooma is relatively easy since it's plotted, and I really am not getting very serious about it. I want to get it typed up so I can work on it at some time in the future, though. As expected, the prose sucks. The characters are horribly melodramatic, and I think I can find a plot somewhere in there.... but even so, it's been fun to work on. Fun is all right now and then.
I've also continued handwriting out Farstep Station since vacation. I'll get bored with working that way soon, but for the moment it's different. And I've been outlining The Wind and the Sand on my Clie. Everything is going well, but slowly. It's far too near the end of the month for me. I need to get myself moving a little better is all.
Ah, but here is a reason why I won't be getting very far ahead. A problem at the site right now that will take some tricks to fix, I think. Hmmm.... Time to talk to Mar. Personally, I think we should all get at least one day off a week from site work, but problems turn up all the time. This one is odd -- a missing thread that should not be missing at all.
We might be able to hunt it down.
Just need to talk to Mar before I do anything really drastic.
Ack. Just ack. I need to go write something.
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