Tuesday, January 06, 2004

We are having cold weather tonight -- sub zero temps, wind chills that are far below that. My office is nicely warm because Russ got the lovely little stand up heater to work again, and it's enough for this room.

And that pretty much means I hate to leave this room, of course.

I've done well in FM work today, not so well in writing. I'm going to take some paper into the bathtub with me and do some work on the short story... it shouldn't be too long, and I think it might be fun to work out the last of it tonight.

Beyond that, my day has been pretty calm and quiet. Site stuff, writing, more site stuff, more site stuff... a few things that are not site stuff, but are Internet related, and ... well, not enough writing. (grin)

However, I have found that my new daily schedule is helping make sure I don't leave too much stuff behind each day. I have a couple more things to handle tonight, and I think after a bath that should be easy to handle.

Beyond that, it's really a pretty quiet sort of few days. I see that my new SF novel, Singer & St. Jude: The Lost Cause has made it up to #15 on the Fictionwise SF list. Looks like a good deal to me...

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