There is no way that we can afford for me to buy a big fancy digital SLR this year. It's just not going to happen -- and my poor camera, despite moments of recovery, is still giving me troubles.
Tonight we hit on a new plan. We'll invest in a digital camera more akin to what I have (that is one that doesn't change lenses) and I'll use it for the next couple years while we get finances back in order. I've even already chosen the camera -- one that I looked at briefly right before I found out that Konica-Minolta had come out with a body only I could use with my old film equipment.
The new choice is a Sony 5.1 megapixel camera with a pretty good zoom lens -- not quite as good as the current camera, but really pretty nice. It has -- among many nice features -- a full manual setting, which I have really missed since going to digital, and some good mode choices. I held one today at a store, and it feels pretty good -- though small compared to my lovely Sony CD1000. It is about a third of the price of the other camera I have been looking at. I've been looking at reviews and sample pictures in several spots, and I have to admit that I'm really impressed.
And I can get it here in town. No one has the Konica-Minolta I want, which means I haven't even been able to hold one to see if I like the feel of it.
Part of this renewed interest in a camera has been prompted by something odd that has been happening. I've had several requests for the right to print pictures from my zoo collection in various publications. Another came today, and of a picture that I don't even think is one of my best -- but it is the only one I have of this particular animal. I realize that I might have a talent for this kind of photography, but using the poor old 2.1 megapixel CD1000 with the dying drive is just not going to work for much longer.
I might even be able to get this camera soon. Russ is expecting a good sized check in the mail in the next couple days. The guy even called Russ to say he sent it off, which means it isn't another case of us just
thinking there's a check coming.
I'm kind of excited about this. Sure, it would be nice to get the other camera. But... I like this one. And it will allow me to stop holding my breath every time the current camera doesn't want to turn on properly and it takes me four or five tries before it catches.
The Omaha zoo is holding a photography contest, too. The pictures have to be taken between now and early next month. Wouldn't it be fun to go down and christen a new camera at the zoo?
I'm having a very hard time concentrating on anything else tonight. Good thing I already got some writing done!